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Showing posts with label IPSLA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IPSLA. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2011

IPSLA - Maipu and Cisco with ICMPEcho

As we discussed in last post about Managed services, Let’s see everything in action with Maipu Routers and Cisco Routers for ICMPEcho. 

In this section, we will see IPSLA - ICMPEcho working flow and  Maipu and Cisco Router configuration example. Which will help us to understand Maipu RTR (IPSLA) for ICMPEcho. Before we see about Maipu IPSLA. Let’s understand some terms related to IPSLA.

SLA Terms
SLA stands for Service Level Agreements; sending the packets of the specified protocol to detect and monitor the network communication.

RTR stands for Response Time Reporter. SLA calculates and outputs the report according to the packet transmission, so it is also called RTR (Response Time Reporter) in Maipu router.

RTR ENTITY -  RTR entity is one common concept; different application detection corresponds with the specified RTR entity. Currently, the RTR entities include MACSLA, ICMPECHO, JITTER, UDPECHO, ICMP-PATH-ECHO, ICMP-PATH-JITTER, and FLOW-STATISTICS. We can monitor above mentioned features using Maipu RTR (IPSLA).

Let’s understand ICMPECHO (IPSLA entity) -

It is the RTR entity that sends the ICMP PING packet to detect the network communication, it help to measure end to end response time between routers. Response time is calculated by measuring the time taken between sending an ICMP Echo request message to the destination and receiving an ICMP Echo reply.

With the rich schedule policies and log recording function, the network administrator can get to know the network communication and history information, as well as it is reducing the work of inputting the common PING commands to check the reachable status of destination device. 

Let’s see a  configuration example for Maipu IPSLA – ICMPEcho


ICMP entity checking network

The configuration of router 1:
router1# configure terminal

router1 (config)# rtr enable
Enable the SLA (RTR) module
router1 (config)# rtr 1 icmpecho
Create the icmpecho entity with ID as 1 and enter the icmpecho configuration mode
router1 (config-rtr-icmpecho)# set 5 80 5 5000 extend 0 false false
Set the checking attributes of rtr1; the destination address is; send five packets in one scheduling; the length of each packet is 80 bytes; the timeout time is 5s; the scheduling interval is 5000s; enable the extend option; the source address is; tos field is 0; the DF bit is FALSE; the data parity is FALSE.
router1 (config-rtr-icmpecho)#alarm-type log
Set the alarm type of rtr1 as log, that is, give the user prompt only on shell.
router1 (config-rtr-icmpecho)# periods 2
After two rtr1 entity scheduling, save one history record.
router1 (config-rtr-icmpecho)# number-of-history-kept 200
The number of the history records of rtr1 entity is 200. Note: if exceeding 200, the records cover the old records.
router1 (config-rtr-icmpecho)# threshold-pktLoss 2 direction be
 Configure the packet loss threshold of rtr1 entity as 2; in one detection, if the number of the lost packets is larger than 2, give the alarm according to the alarm type configured by the user.
router1 (config-rtr-icmpecho)# threshold-rtt 2 direction be
Configure the come-and-go delay threshold of rtr1 entity as 2; in one detection, if the come-and-go delay is larger than or equal to 2, give the alarm according to the alarm type configured by the user.
router1 (config-rtr-icmpecho)#exit
Exit the configure mode
router1 (config)#rtr schedule 1 entity 1 start now ageout 300 life 700 repeat 3
Initiate schedule 1 to schedule rtr entity 1; start to schedule at once; the ageout is 300s; the life time is 700s; repeat scheduling for three times.

Device used – MP1800
IOS – rp10-i-6.2.8.pck

After the above configuration, router 1 performs the icmpecho check for network communication. After checking, use the command show rtr history to view the checking result.

Execute the command show rtr entitycand show rtr history 1 on router 1

Outputs : 

Router1#show rtr entity 1
ID:1            name:IcmpEcho1          Created:TRUE
CreatedTime:THU JAN 01 00:41:53 1970
LatestModifiedTime:THU JAN 01 01:05:39 1970
Threshold-of-rtt:2 (direction be)
Threshold-of-pktLoss:2 (direction be)
Extend parameters:
sourceIp:  tos:0   DF(DON'T FRAG):FALSE    Verify-data:FALSE
Schedule frequency:10(s)

Router1#show rtr history 1
ID:1    Name:IcmpEcho1  CurHistorySize:10       MaxHistorysize:200
History recorded as following:
THU JAN 01 01:06:18 1970
        Rtt:1(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:06:38 1970
        Rtt: 1(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:06:58 1970
        Rtt: 2(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:07:18 1970
        Rtt: 1(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:07:38 1970
        Rtt: 1(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:07:58 1970
        Rtt: 2(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:08:18 1970
        Rtt: 1(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:08:38 1970
        Rtt: 1(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:08:58 1970
        Rtt: 1(ms)     PktLoss:0
THU JAN 01 01:09:18 1970
        Rtt: 1(ms)     PktLoss:0

Same time have a look on Maipu command reference  for ICMPEcho–

Configuration Mode
rtr entity-id icmpecho
*Create one icmpecho entity and enter its configuration mode; or enter the configuration mode of one existing entity
set {vrf vrf-name targetIp| targetIp}[npackets|CR data-size|CR time-out|CR] [extend sourceIp|CR tos|CR setDF|CR verify-data|CR]
*Configure the checking attributes of the icmpecho entity.
vrf-name: The vrf name of the icmpecho entity destination address;
targetIp: the destination address of the icmpecho entity;
npackets: The number of the ping packets sent during one detection schedule of the icmpecho entity; the default value is 5;
data-size: The size of the ping packet sent by the icmpecho entity; the default value is 70bytes;
time-out: The timeout of waiting for response after the icmpecho entity sends the packet;
extend: The icmpecho entity adds the related extended detection attribute tag;
sourceIp: The source address of the icmpecho entity detection;
tos: The tod value when the icmpecho entity sends the detection PING packet;
setDF: The option when the icmpecho entity sends the detection PING packet, whether to set the DF (DON’T FRAG);
verify-data: Whether to verify the data when the icmpecho entity receives the response packet sent from the peer end;

Now Let’s see Cisco IPSLA configuration template –

Device used – Cisco 1841
IOS - c1841-advsecurityk9-mz[1].124-12c.bin

Configuration Template -

ip sla monitor 1
 type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho source-ipaddr
ip sla monitor schedule 1 life forever start-time now ageout 6000

Show Commands
show ip sla monitor collection-statistics
show ip sla monitor configuration

Another test –

IOS - 12.2(31)SB2  and 12.2(33)SRB1 

Configuration Template -

ip sla 1
 icmp-echo source-ip
 frequency 300
 request-data-size 28
 timeout 2000
ip sla schedule 6 life forever start-time now

In this post I tried to provide details about Cisco IPSLA and Maipu IPSLA , majorly about ICMPEcho.

You can check the show output in routers and all network devices. But majorly the output from IPSLA configuration is used by NMS to generate various reports.

Hope this post will help you to understand more about  Maipu IPSLA  and Cisco IPSLA.

For likes and any queries, Plz put comment with your mail id…

Your comments will help me to improve my posts…

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

MAIPU - Configuration for QOS and IPSLA

Maipu configuration Example – QOS , IPSLA.

Here we have one example, How to configure Maipu router for QOS, IPSLA and SNMP traps. I think this configuration template you can use as reference.

Functions Included : 
QOS  – LLQ + CBWFQ + Traffic shaping.
 IP SLA – Jitter,ICMPEcho,ICMP Path Jitter, Flow statistics,UDP Echo.
SNMP traps

After doing  below configuration,  you can monitor Maipu device from your NMS. Make sure that Maipu MIBs are integrated in your NMS.

Device used: Maipu 1800

Configuration :

Building Configuration...done

! Current configuration : 5621 bytes
! Last configuration change at UTC THU APR 14 18:56:15 2011
! Flash config last updated at UTC THU JAN 01 01:24:26 1970
! Configuration version 0.18

!software version 6.1.38(JSJR-35)(integrity)
!software image file flash0: /system/rp5-c-6.1.38(JSJR-35).bin
!compiled on Jan  4 2011, 12:34:35

hostname XXXX
service timestamps debug datetime
service timestamps log datetime
service taskname debug
service taskname log
no service password-encrypt
no service new-encrypt
service login-secure
enable timeout 0

enable password OW encrypt

no exception reboot

ip mef

ip load-sharing per-destination

ip flow enable

ip access-list extended 1001
 10 permit ip host
ip access-list extended 1002
 10 permit ip any host
ip access-list extended xx
 10 permit ip host any

vlan 1
 description default
 port 0-7 untagged

class-map match-all xx
  match access-group xx
class-map match-all snmp
  match access-group 1001
class-map match-all telnet
  match access-group 1002
policy-map test
 class xx
  priority 1000
 class snmp
  priority 2000
 class telnet
  bandwidth 1000
 class class-default
  shape average 1000000
policy-map test1
 class class-default
  set qos-group 1

interface fastethernet0
 ip address
 service-policy input test1

interface fastethernet0.1
 ip address
 encapsulation dot1q 1
 traffic-shape 1000000 10000

interface fastethernet1
 ip address
 service-policy output test
 traffic-shape 1000000 50000

interface fastethernet1.1

interface null0

router rip
 version 2
 network fastethernet0
 no auto-summary

ip route
ip route
ip route

line vty 0 15
 exec-timeout 0 0
 no login

ntp master 8
ntp authenticate
ntp authentication-key 520915 md5 SYSZXZ encrypt

check cpu enable
check cpu time-interval 1

snmp-server start
snmp-server view default include
snmp-server community public view default ro
snmp-server host traps community public version 2
snmp-server host traps community public version 2
snmp-server host traps community public version 2
snmp-server enable traps bgp established
snmp-server enable traps bgp backward-transition
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay dlci-status-change
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay pvc-connect-status-change
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay pvc-connect-status-notify
snmp-server enable traps ospf if-authen-failure
snmp-server enable traps ospf virtif-authen-failure
snmp-server enable traps ospf if-config-error
snmp-server enable traps ospf virtif-config-error
snmp-server enable traps ospf if-state-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf virtif-state-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf nbr-state-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf virtnbr-state-change
snmp-server enable traps ospf if-rx-bad-packet
snmp-server enable traps ospf virtif-rx-bad-packet
snmp-server enable traps ospf tx-retransmit
snmp-server enable traps ospf virtif-tx-retransmit
snmp-server enable traps ospf originate-lsa
snmp-server enable traps ospf max-age-lsa
snmp-server enable traps ospf lsdb-approaching-overflow
snmp-server enable traps ospf lsdb-overflow
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication
snmp-server enable traps snmp coldstart
snmp-server enable traps snmp warmstart
snmp-server enable traps snmp linkdown
snmp-server enable traps snmp linkup
snmp-server enable traps snmp enterprise snmp-agent-up
snmp-server enable traps snmp enterprise snmp-agent-down
snmp-server enable traps snmp enterprise rmon-rising
snmp-server enable traps snmp enterprise rmon-falling
snmp-server enable traps veth remote-status
snmp-server enable traps remote-ping probe-failed
snmp-server enable traps remote-ping test-failed
snmp-server enable traps remote-ping test-complete
snmp-server enable traps vrf

rtr enable

rtr 1 jitter
 set dest-ipaddr dest-port 200 g711alaw
 number-of-history-kept 100
 CreatedTime WED JAN 26 17:12:38 2011
 LatestModifiedTime THU JAN 01 01:38:09 1970


rtr 2 icmpecho
 set 1 70 2
 number-of-history-kept 100
 CreatedTime MON JAN 19 16:58:24 1970
 LatestModifiedTime THU JAN 01 01:38:32 1970


rtr 3 icmp-path-echo
 set dest-ipaddr source-ipaddr
 number-of-history-kept 90
 CreatedTime TUE MAR 15 19:21:11 2011
 LatestModifiedTime THU APR 14 18:55:47 2011


rtr 4 icmp-path-jitter
 set dest-ipaddr
 number-of-history-kept 100
 CreatedTime THU APR 14 18:53:12 2011
 LatestModifiedTime THU APR 14 18:53:34 2011


rtr 5 flow-statistics
 flow-statistics interface fastethernet0 interval 10
 CreatedTime THU APR 14 18:53:59 2011
 LatestModifiedTime THU APR 14 18:54:20 2011


rtr 6 udpecho
 set dest-ipaddr dest-port 300
 number-of-history-kept 100
 CreatedTime THU APR 14 18:54:36 2011
 LatestModifiedTime THU APR 14 18:54:53 2011


rtr group 1
 member 3

rtr schedule 1 entity 1 start now ageout 900 life forever

rtr schedule 2 entity 2 start now ageout 900 life forever

rtr schedule 4 entity 4 start now ageout 900 life forever

rtr schedule 5 entity 5 start now ageout 900 life forever

rtr schedule 6 entity 6 start now ageout 900 life forever

rtr schedule 10 group 1 start now ageout 900 life forever

rtr responder

1800#sh ver
               MyPower (R) Operating System Software
MP1800 system image file (flash0: /system/rp5-c-6.1.38(JSJR-35).bin), version 6.1.38(JSJR-35)(integr
ity), Compiled on Jan  4 2011, 12:34:35
Copyright (C) 1999 Maipu Communication Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

MP1800 Version Information
        System ID           : 00017a0c6124
        Hardware Model      : MPC8270 with 128 MBytes SDRAM, 32 MBytes flash
        Hardware Version    : 020(Hotswap Unsupported)
        MPU CPLD Version    : 001
        Monitor Version     : 2.18
        Software Version    : 6.1.38(JSJR-35)(integrity)
        Software Image File : flash0: /system/rp5-c-6.1.38(JSJR-35).bin
        Compiled            : Jan  4 2011, 12:34:35

System Uptime is 1 week 5 days

I am using this configuration for my use. I am sharing this, May be it will be useful for you ..
Plz let me know if you have any queries.

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